Upon arrival at Istanbul Ataturk Airport, we connect directly
to a domestic flight to Adana, ancient Cilicia. Than, we journey
east to Antakya, ancient Antioch. Antioch is thought to have
been founded in 300 BC. St Peter was the first to preach here,
followed by St Paul and Barnabas whose extensive efforts
proved to be very fruitful for Christianity. Highlights include
the museum which houses a superb collection of mosaics
from Antioch, Daphne and Seleucia Pieria. St Peter’s Grotto,
the cave church, came to be known as the meeting place of
the early Christians. The most interesting monument here is
the Tunnel of Titus, which is a tremendous canal dug for the
purpose of diverting waters from the Orontes River. Another
highlight is the rock tombs with their impressive facades
pertaining to the Hellenistic period. Overnight in Antioch.

After an early breakfast, we drive north to Cappadocia.
Our first stop is Tarsus, the birthplace of St Paul. Highlights
include St Paul’s well and Cleopatra’s Gate. We continue
on to Antioch at Orontes and stay the night there. Than
second stop is Derinkuyu, an underground city carved into
soft rocks resembling a huge labyrinth of tunnels, rooms,
kitchens, wine cellars and passageways. A huge chimney
ventilates this 8-level dwelling, which was used by Christians
hiding from their Roman and Byzantine persecutors. Their
colourful frescoes remain as vibrant as when they were first
made. Further on, we come to Cappadocia, which reminds
the visitor of a village out of Grimm’s Fairy Tales. Overnight
in Cappadocia.


In the morning, we visit the Valleys of Goreme to explore the
unusual troglodyte dwellings, remains of the early churches
comprising complicated rooms hollowed out of the cones
of volcanic ash and decorated with scratched frescoes. We
will visit the Apple Church, the Church of Sandals, and the
Church with a Buckle in Goreme. Next stops are Ortahisar
and Avanos.Overnight in Cappadocia.


Following an early breakfast, we drive to Pisidian Antioch
(Yalvac). During Paul’s time, the population was made up
of Jews, Romans and Greeks. Very little is left of Pisidian
Antioch today. Thereafter, we proceed to Pamukkale and
stay the night there. Overnight in Pamukkale.


In the morning, we visit Hierapolis, which was founded by
Pergamon King Telephus and named after his wife, Hiera.
During the Byzantine period, the city became the seat of
diocese with a large Christian Church dedicated to St Philip,
who was martyred there in 80 AD. Highlights include the
Roman Baths, the Temple of Apollo, the Theatre and the
famous white calcium cascades of Pamukkale (the white
“Cotton Castles”). Then, we visit Laodicea, where we will find
a Theatre, a large Stadium, a Water Tower and an Odeon.
This city is supposed to have been named by Antiochus II in
honour of his wife, Laodicea. Next stop will be on Philadelphia
which was an important Christian centre during Byzantine
times. Overnight in Kusadasi.


Following an early breakfast, we drive to the famous city of
Ephesus, one of the world’s finest archaeological sites. Our
tour will begin with the Basilica of St John “the Evangelist”
who came here with the Virgin Mary and wrote his Gospel
in Ephesus. The Temple of Artemis, considered to be one
of the Seven Wonders of Antiquity, was located here.
Highlights include the Library of Celcius, the Temple of
Hadrian, the Fountain of Trajan and the Theatre. We will also
stop by the House of Virgin Mary (on top of Mt Coressos).
She was believed to have spent her last years in this area.
On 18 August 1961, Pope John XXII proclaimed this place
to be sacred. Drive to Izmir for flight to Istanbul. Dinner and
overnight in Istanbul.


Following breakfast, we drive to the ‘Old City’. Our first stop is
the Hippodrome of Constantinople, the centre of Byzantine
civic life, where horse and chariot races used to take place.
We then travel towards the Blue Mosque, known for the
impressive blue tiles lining its walls. The Basilica of Hagia
Sophia (Divine Wisdom), now called the Ayasofya Museum,
is unquestionably one of the finest buildings of all time. Built
by Constantine the Great, it was reconstructed by Justinian
in the 6th century. In the afternoon, we visit the famous
Topkapi Palace, which was home to the sultans between
the 15th and 19th centuries. It is now a museum exhibiting
imperial collections of crystal, silver, Chinese porcelain and
imperial costumes. Dinner and overnight in Istanbul.

Day 8 – ISTANBUL Departure

After breakfast, check-out from the hotel and free until
transfer time. Departure from the hotel at 12:00. Transfer to
the airport for your International flight.